Saturday, February 25, 2012

Puppy or the bad seed?

Because I am talking about Opti as a puppy, I thought I would include one of my favorite pictures of him as one. This picture shows perfectly the Opti I knew as a puppy. Hope you enjoy it to.I was thinking the other day and realized that Hyde is going to be born in about 3 weeks. I cannot believe that it is already so soon. Even though I am excited about it, I am also a bit nervous. A new puppy is hard, almost like having a newborn baby, but a vizsla puppy takes hard to a whole other level. My experience with Opti was very interesting to say the least. I thought Opti was going to be a breeze to train...boy was I wrong. When we first picked him out and brought him home, he was the sweetest and calmest puppy ever! Even when he first arrived at our house he was an angel. When it was time to put him to sleep in his crate, that was when all hell broke loose. He cried all through the night and ever since that night he was a red ball of energy. He was the most stubborn and difficult puppy ever! There were honestly times when I thought to myself, "Is it too late to take him back?". Despite all this I could not help but love him. Now that I am looking back at this I have been making a list of all the things not to do and to do with Hyde. I am determined to make this puppy training experience as smooth as possible. This is why I often call Opti my "Guinea Pig Puppy". I had no clue what to expect when I first got him and pretty much learned along the way. This is why I am a bit more confident about getting Hyde. I am making my plan and know exactly how I want to train, socialize and raise Hyde. We will just have to see how it goes.

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